Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Clam Cakes

The other day I got this tasty recipe for clam cakes from a lady who grew up just south of here in Rhode Island. She now lives to the north in New Hampshire.

Hi Shelley,

I noticed your blog regarding New England Clam Chowdah. I live in NH but lived originally in RI for 30 years. I grew up on RI Clam Chowdah and Clamcakes. There used to be a Chowdah House at an old amusement park that was always full in the summer time and all they sold was Clam Cakes and Chowdah. I don't remember ever having been served Manhattan Clam Chowder (tomato broth not cream) as the New Clam Chowdah was so much better and being from Southern New England, why would we grow up with anything else?? I noticed that people in Northern New England however are not familiar with Clam Cakes, they think they are like Crab Cakes (which I don't know what they are)! In RI, Clam Cakes are huge and people would always buy them by the dozen with their chowder. They are the size of golfballs and are addicting. Being in my mid-forties, I try to stay away from deep fried anything but if you want to add something a lot tastier than cornbread as an accompaniment to your Clam Chowder, try these! In RI we also call them Quahogs.

RI Clam Cakes

½ cp clams or quahogs, chopped

½ c. clam juice

1 egg

1 ¼ cp flour

½ tsp baking powder

½ tsp baking soda

¼ tsp salt

1/3 cp milk

Mix dry ingredients; add milk and egg. Fold in clams and clam juice. Heat 2 or 3 inches of oil in pan or fryolator. (Oil is hot when a drop of clam cake mix floats immediately to the top). When brown, turn cake once. Remove and dry on paper towel. Eat warm! Happy eating! (This recipe I took from a cookbook made by my elementary school close to 20 years ago). I personally would drop much bigger than teaspoons, although they do puff up. The ones I am used to eating puff up to the size of golf balls and would be dropped by rounded tablespoons.


Terry Gadoury

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